Frequently Asked Questions


What is a Conservancy District?

A Conservancy District is a local unit of government developed under The Indiana Conservancy Act (IC 14-33). It is a mechanism by which landowners can organize a special taxing district to solve specific local issues related to water resources management. You can find more information here.

When and why was TCCD formed?

The conservancy district was formed in 1998 to serve residents in South Haven, in Portage Township, and in Salt Creek Commons, in Union Township. It was formed in an effort to address the flooding and drainage issues within its boundaries.

When does TCCD meet?

TCCD meets the 3rd Monday of every month, excluding February, at 7 pm at the South Haven Library. Annual meetings are in February on a designated Saturday.

How many Conservancy Districts are in Indiana?

There are approximately 137 conservancy districts in Indiana as of 2019 DNR information. For more information please visit the link below:


What is an MS4?

A Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4) is a storm water conveyance or system of conveyances that is regulated under the National Pollution Discharge Elimination System (NPDES). The operator of an MS4 is required to obtain a permit to discharge storm water from the MS4 into local surface waters. The objective of this permitting mechanism is to protect surface waters from polluted storm water runoff. More information here.

How Do I Report An Issue?

Please use the "Contact Us" messaging system to report an issue regarding stormwater or other concerns to our conservancy.

How is the Twin Creek Conservancy funded?

Residents in the district pay half of their stormwater fee directly to the county and the other half is channeled to the county through the district via property taxes.

How do I Contact Twin Creeks Conservancy District

Please contact us via, email or fill out the form on our contact page.